Brent Applebaum and Bexley Physical Therapy uses and recommends:

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Bexley Physical Therapy Center
Bexley Therapy Services

526 North Cassady Avenue
Bexley, OH 43209

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Bexley Physical Therapy

There is nothing more difficult in medicine than ending pain. Equally difficult is living with pain.

However, whether your pain is just in your head, neck, back, buttock, or down in your knees, ankles or feet, and no matter whether you have been diagnosed with arthritis, sciatica, degenerative disc disease, nerve root impingement, bulging or herniated disc., plantar fasciitis, or a mirad of other diagnoses, there is a method that can bring you to be pain free.

It is likely that you have done your research and you have tried many methods. You know how difficult the challenge is. But, I know that you can be pain free for life. I help people make it happen every day. Now I want to show you.

Visit or call Bexley Physical Therapy for Pure Pain Relief.

No needles, no drugs, no surgery.

I offer to you that this will be one of the most rewarding accomplishments of your entire life.

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